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Grand Slam Challenge

Want to take your Oklahoma Fishing Trail adventures to the next level? Complete the Grand Slam challenge! The process is simple: catch one of each of the designated species listed below (chosen by the Oklahoma Wildlife Department), snap a photo, upload it to the correct category, fill out the contact form, click Submit and that's it! Once we review your submission, we'll mail you an exclusive decal that you can slap on your tackle box, cooler or bumper. (We'd also love to hear more about your Grand Slam catches. Feel free to include size, weight, location and even a cool story about each of your submissions.) Happy fishing!

* Required fields

Species found in Oklahoma: Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, striped bass, striped hybrid bass, white bass

Species found in Oklahoma: Blue catfish, channel catfish, flathead catfish

Species found in Oklahoma: Black crappie, white crappie

Species found in Oklahoma: Bluegill sunfish, green sunfish, redear sunfish

Possible bonus species found in Oklahoma: Paddlefish, sauger, saugeye, brown trout, rainbow trout, walleye
Cannot include any of the species listed above.

Images must be smaller than 10MB and in JPG, PNG, or GIF format.