Oklahoma State Capitol
Oklahoma State Capitol
Located in the heart of Oklahoma City, the Oklahoma State Capitol offers an incredible, one-of-a-kind experience in art, history and government. Completed in 1917, the historic Greco-Roman building offers an extraordinary destination unlike any other in the state. At the center of the experience, managed by the Oklahoma Arts Council, collections of artworks located throughout six floors of rotundas, corridors, and galleries make the Oklahoma State Capitol the largest public art museum in the state.
Tour programs at the Capitol are operated by the Oklahoma Arts Council on behalf of the State of Oklahoma. The state agency leverages staff expertise in leading a museum-quality docent program that brings to life the Capitol artwork and creates an unforgettable journey for visitors from around the world.
Walk-up guided tours are offered Monday through Friday at 11am and 1pm. Reservations are not required.
Scheduled tours are available Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm. Reservations are required.
For more information, visit arts.ok.gov/tours or email tours@arts.ok.gov.