OkeOzark Winery

12273 E 470 Rd
Salina, OK 74365

OkeOzark Winery

12273 E 470 Rd
Salina, OK 74365

Schedule your tasting room tour at OkeOzark Winery, featuring wines crafted on a family-owned farm in Salina. Each bottle starts with handpicked grapes grown in the Oklahoma Ozarks that are then transformed into dry reds, sweet whites and roses. When you book a tasting room appointment, sample a few of these one-of-a-kind vine blends based on 100-year-old recipes passed down through the generations. From the Honk Tonk semi-dry white wine and Peach Delight sweet white wine to the Ozark Jack red semi-sweet wine and Coo Y Yah dry red wine, there's sure to be a winning batch to please every palate.



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