Come out for one of the oldest rattlesnake hunts in the world. The annual Okeene Rattlesnake Round-Up includes entertainment for all ages. Visit the festival's Den of Death to see snake handlers put on a show with live rattlesnakes for crowds of festival-goers, or leave the snake pit and enjoy high-flying rides and fun midway games in the event's annual carnival. An Okeene tradition for more than 80 years, the Okeene Rattlesnake Round-Up is one of the state's original snake hunts, entertaining generations with vendors, live musical entertainment and more.
The festivities begin on Thursday with a sneak peek of the carnival rides. Head to the event to get an extra dose of thrills before the festival officially begins. Friday, snake hunt registration begins. Participants must be registered to hunt, buy or sell snakes. The butcher shop opens on Friday, so make your way over to purchase fresh snake meat. Other events at the Okeene Rattlesnake Round-Up include the popular Den of Death Show, a horseshoe tournament, poker run and pancake breakfast.