Latimer County Genealogy Resources

Discover Latimer County and trace your family history and ancestry with this list of county-specific genealogy resources.

Latimer County.

Latimer County is located in southeastern Oklahoma. Railroad lines were introduced at the end of the 19th century with the Choctaw Coal and Railway in 1890 and the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway in 1904. The coal mining industry started expanding in the area in the late 1800s, and by 1912, there were 27 coal mines in the county. Robbers Cave State Park is near Wilburton, the Latimer County seat. Hiking, camping, fishing, horseback riding and more are offered in the park.

In 2000, census records showed 10,692 people living in Latimer County. Countless assets exist for tracing genealogy in Latimer County including legal records, cemetery records and a local genealogy society. Valuable resources for researching genealogy in Latimer County are provided below, including a list of existing towns, a list of ghost towns, the county courthouse address, a detailed map of the county, library information and a list of cemeteries located within the county. In addition to these resources, a list of places to visit in Latimer County is also provided for visitors to the area.

Latimer County Courthouse Information

Detailed Map of Latimer County

Existing Towns in Latimer County

Ghost Towns in Latimer County

Cemeteries in Latimer County

Libraries in Latimer County

Add'l Genealogy Resources for Latimer County

Places to Visit in Latimer County

Latimer County Courthouse Information

Latimer County Clerk
109 N. Central St.
Wilburton, OK 74578
Telephone: (918) 465-3543

Directions: N. Central Ave. & W. Ada.

Records available: Court Clerk has marriage records from 1906, divorce, probate and civil court records.

Detailed Map of Latimer County

Search for cemeteries, highways and scenic sites, or examine county and township lines, with this detailed map of Latimer County.

Existing Towns in Latimer County

The following towns and cities are located in present day Latimer County, Oklahoma.

Red Oak


Ghost Towns in Latimer County

The following towns and cities either no longer exist in Latimer County or are still populated, but significantly less so than in years past. These towns and cities are commonly referred to as "ghost towns."

Buffalo Valley









Cemeteries in Latimer County

The following cemeteries are located in present day Latimer County, Oklahoma.

Anderson Family

Baldwin Cemetery

Big Sandy Cemetery

Boiling Spring Cemetery

Bowers Cemetery

Brown Prairie Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery

Cannon Family

Cedar Cemetery

Cedars Indian Cemetery

Center Point Cemetery

Cupco Cemetery

Damon Cemetery

Degnan Cemetery

Degnan North West

Gowen Cemetery

Hardaway McCann

High Bridge Cemetery

Hokit Cemetery

King Cemetery

Laura Cemetery

Liberty Hill Cemetery

Lutie Cemetery

Masonic Cemetery

Memorial Gardens

Mitchell Family

Mountain Station

Norris Cemetery

Old Baptist Cemetery

Patterson Cemetery

Peachland Cemetery

Potts Cemetery

Pusley Cemetery

Red Oak Cemetery

Robbers Cave State Park

Rock Creek Cemetery

Sacred Heart Cemetery

Salem Cemetery

Saloni Cemetery

South Rock Creek

Tea Cemetery

Thessalonians Cemetery

Trowbridge Cemetery

Veterans Colony

Watson Family

Whiteside Cemetery

Wilburton Cemetery

Williams-Shields Family Cemetery

Wilmen Cemetery

Young Cemetery

Libraries in Latimer County

Latimer County Public Library
301 W. Ada
Wilburton, OK 74578
Telephone: (918) 465-3751

Additional Genealogy Resources for Latimer County

Latimer County on OKGenWeb: Oklahoma Genealogy & History

Latimer County Historical & Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1
Wilburton, OK 74578

Places to Visit in Latimer County

While researching your family history in Latimer County, be sure to check out the following attractions located in the area.

Lake Carlton

Lloyd Church Lake

Robbers Cave Lodge

Robbers Cave State Park

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